Our products

All our cosmetics and other oil derivatives are manufactured by us and guaranteed 100% natural.

Among the range of products to discover, I propose you solid oils and shampoos for hair care, oils and soaps made by cold saponification for face and body care as well as rassoul linked to Hammam rituals.

Discover the unsuspected medicinal virtues of our honeys from the Souss Massa region.

The most greedy will not forget the Amlou, a divine spread.

Consume our herbal teas to aid digestion and help you fall asleep for a peaceful and restful sleep.

I also offer you Taliouine saffron, an organic saffron of superior quality. Let your senses travel in a bewitching atmosphere of incense

This list is not exhaustive. All our products can be adapted to your needs both in terms of ingredients and packaging. I can prepare, for example, tailor-made packages for festive gifts or special series in small quantities.

Please contact me by e-mail or come and visit me at markets or fairs.

A series of accessories regularly complete my product catalogue.