

The different honeys of the Souss Massa region

It is in the region of Imouzzer (Inzerki) near Agadir, that several honeys of very high quality are produced. The beekeepers still produce it in the traditional way. We offer you a range of honeys with multiple properties. They are all equally interesting. They are much sought after for their health benefits, their rarity or simply their pleasant taste. Our honeys are carefully selected from small local producers.

  • Thyme honey

An exceptional honey, very rich in copper. It is a refreshing honey, with a subtle taste and very fragrant. It is known for its multiple medicinal virtues. It is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial. It is suitable for both the digestive and respiratory systems. Thyme honey is also considered a miracle dermal healer. It is even used in certain hospital settings to heal wounds and burns. This honey is ideal against intestinal intoxications, colds, sore throats and flu. It is also invigorating and facilitates physical recovery. It is also a good muscle relaxant, expectorant, vermifuge and antioxidant. This wellness bouquet is highly recommended for grogs.

  • Orange tree honey

Light yellow in colour, this honey has a liquid texture, a flowery flavour and an incomparable sweetness. Its aroma is often compared to that of marmalade or orange liqueur. It smells like orange blossom. It is also very easy to use, and can be enjoyed on toast as well as in a culinary preparation. Orange blossom honey is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It has mainly soothing properties. It effectively relieves migraines and insomnia. It is recommended as a dessert, in a yoghurt or herbal tea in the evening, for a calm night.

  • Resiniferous euphorbia honey (Daghmouss - Euphorbia resinifer)

Highly appreciated by connoisseurs, this honey comes from a succulent plant of the euphorbiaceae family, native to Morocco. It is characterised by its strong and pronounced taste and its pungent flavour with a very warming pungent action on the throat. It is very well known as a tonic and warming medicine. It also treats respiratory tract ailments. It is one of the rare honeys that is taken against allergic asthma (subject to sensitivity to pollen or propolis). It strengthens the immune system and is also known for its effectiveness in treating diseases of the urinary tract. It is also sought after by people suffering from cardiovascular disease and hypertension. It is the best honey for people who suffer from both asthma and diabetes. More refined and rarer to obtain, as it blooms only once a year in spring, euphorbia honey is one of the most expensive honeys.

  • Argan honey

100% pure and natural of great rarity. This honey is subtle, sweet and very unctuous with a slight hazelnut taste on a woody background. It will delight even the most gourmand in search of new flavours. But it also has great therapeutic virtues. Anti-oxidant, antiseptic, energising properties… Recommended for respiratory tract problems, sore throat, as well as digestive problems.

  • Carob honey

Honey with a dark amber colour, a scent similar to cocoa with a pleasant and sweet taste. It has many medicinal and therapeutic virtues. A 100% natural product of the Moroccan soil, it is subject to a rigorous selection process without the addition of glucose or other ingredients. This honey therefore comes from trusted producers. Carob tree honey has very interesting organic properties. It is often used as a dietary supplement. Very rich in trace elements, it is recommended for digestive and intestinal treatment (fight against constipation and diarrhoea). It is also a diuretic. Like many quality honeys, it is also recommended for the treatment of bronchitis and angina.

  • Honey from Sidr, the jujube tree from Morocco__

A very pleasant taste, unctuousness and a soft and sweet texture, it is a treat for the palate. Its therapeutic effects are very numerous. Highly recommended for liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory infections (very dry cough), digestive problems and constipation. For the skin, it is very effective on burns, it promotes healing including caesarean sections. It can also be used on open wounds. Jujube honey is recommended for unsuspected uses, such as eye diseases or epilepsy.

  • Thistle honey

Thistle honey is a relatively rare honey, and access to it remains limited to the most initiated beekeepers. It is quite sought after by connoisseurs and is therefore one of the most renowned honeys! Thistle honey comes from thorny plants with generously flowering flowers. In fact, the word ‘thistle’ is a broad word that covers several thorny plants (including artichokes for example). It is recommended for the treatment of certain ailments such as anaemia, and for the protection of the liver (during chemotherapy), poisoning, hepatitis and cirrhosis. Also for the treatment of gallbladder disorders, for the treatment of diabetes, digestive (dyspepsia) and urinary disorders in children. It would even be effective against sexual impotence.

  • Nigelle’s honey

Nigella honey is the exceptional meeting between the strength of honey and the power of nigella. A quality product, generous and beneficial. Like the oil extracted from the seed, the honey produced by bees from the nigella flower has astonishing health and medicinal properties.

It strengthens the immune system and is recommended for treating respiratory problems (such as asthma or colds, flu); heart (blood pressure); digestive (flatulence); kidney (deficiencies); urinary; oral (toothache). It is also an effective remedy for rheumatism, dizziness (and headaches) and insomnia.

  • Strawberry bush honey

The strawberry tree honey has a very pronounced taste, quite strong, spicy and bitter, lingering in the aftertaste. Notice to lovers of strong sensations! It can be liquid, solid or creamy depending on the season. Its colour is light to dark brown, and lightens after crystallization. The consistency is very fine. The spicy taste with oriental fragrances seduces lovers of robust honeys. The smell is strong and very marked. Arbousier honey is a rare honey, exclusively reserved for well-informed connoisseurs. It is difficult to find because its harvest is random. Arbousier honey has medicinal virtues. It is an effective diuretic, a urinary antiseptic and it promotes blood circulation. It is recommended for the digestive and respiratory tracts, but it is also a good anti-anemic and a febrifuge.