Synergy of cade oil and argan

Hair care

No more need to boast the merits of argan oil on the skin and scalp! This magnificent combination of argan oil and cade oil is a subtle dosage that will deeply nourish your scalp, rid you of dandruff and cleanse your hair. It will restore suppleness and shine to your hair. Cade oil is a ‘tar’ extracted by distillation from juniper or oxychedron. It is a dark liquid, with a pungent smell, rich in aromatic molecules and with recognised virtues. It should not be confused with cade essential oil. Traditional Cade oil is effective against dandruff, oily hair and psoriasis. It is also known to be … anti-lice ! This oil, once used by shepherds for its healing properties, nowadays finds its outlets in pharmaceutical laboratories which introduce it in minute quantities in shampoos, ointments, soaps, etc…

Natural anti-dandruff treatment

The drier a scalp is, the more the sebaceous gland panics and secretes excessively, making the scalp oily and dandruff appears. In case of too frequent washing or too detergent shampoos, we can speak of ”reactive hyperseborrhea”! Cade oil can respond effectively and naturally to these inconveniences. It is less aggressive than any other detergent or shampoo.

Instructions for use

Once or twice a month, a bath of this marvellous oil should be applied to the scalp, massaging gently. Leave for about 20 minutes and wash. You can put a warm towel on the head, the result will be better. Applied parting by parting, in a thick layer, in the evening and kept all night long under a cap, it will reduce the most resistant scaly helmets in a few days. Repeat before each shampoo. After improvement, space out the applications.

NB: Cade oil has a powerful smell. If you find it unpleasant, put a few drops in your shampoo or washing powder (like: rassoul, sidre, shikakai, …).

  • Price: on request