
Herbal teas

The medicinal properties of lemon verbena, also known as ‘fragrant verbena’.

  • Promotes digestion thanks to its antispasmodic properties.
  • Relieves bloating, colic, flatulence and digestive cramps.
  • Promotes falling asleep.
  • Soothes the nervous system in case of stress, excessive nervousness and insomnia.
  • Is antiviral, especially in case of winter disorders (flu, colds). Calms migraines and headaches.
  • Is anti-inflammatory and spasmodic, especially to relieve uterine cramps and painful periods.
  • Calms thirst in general.
  • Is sudorific in case of fever as a “comfort” drink, knowing that it also has an anti-free radical power.

To make an infusion, infuse 1 g of fragrant verbena leaf in 250 ml of simmering water. Leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes and consume one cup after each meal in case of digestive problems and one cup before bedtime for sleep problems.

In cuisine, lemon verbena brings its delicate scent and a lot of freshness.

For example, lemon verbena is added to the preparation :

  • mojitos, fruit cocktails, etc…
  • ceviche’ or white fish.
  • Thai dishes, as a substitute for fresh coriander or other herbs (another delicacy!)
  • a meat marinade
  • a vinaigrette (mix the verbena well)
  • a pesto
  • a sorbet or ice cream
  • strawberry jam
  • a pastry (particularly good in chocolate too)